"One Kid At a Time" was written by Jake Dekker (not his real name) about his experience adopting his son, Danny (also not his real name), from the foster care system. As a CASA volunteer, you will relate to Jake's frustrations, Danny's sad story, and the happy ending that came about because an ordinary man chose to take a chance on a little boy who desperately needed a home.
Some of you may take issue with the fact that Jake is a gay man. I hope you will stay with the story until the end because it's an example of why we as CASA volunteers should not allow our own personal values and biases to get in the way of potential placements. Jake is very clear that he thought long and hard about how his life as a gay man would impact Danny, but in the end, Jake and Danny connected and Jake was able to provide Danny with the father and the home he wanted so much.
Because of his experience, Jake has become a CASA volunteer and an advocate for children who cannot speak up for themselves. That makes him a good guy in my book!!
There are two copies of this book in the CASA Office, but if you'd like to start reading it now, the first four chapters are available online:
To receive in-service credit, track the number of hours it took you to read the book and write a short, two-page essay on the book - answering what the book was about, what information you received that will help you in your CASA work, and how you would have advocated for Danny if you had been his CASA volunteer.
Once you turn in your time sheet and the essay, you will be given credit for your work.
Happy reading!!
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